Friday, December 19, 2008


I am not a music guru. I'm not. I love music. I leave the guru stuff up to Kacy and Carly. My taste is eclectic and I honestly cannot tell you anything on the radio these days unless it is on K-Love. And you can mock me, but it's good music. I've even converted a few people to listen to it. It's uplifting and I don't have to change the station for my kids.

Anyway, there are a few songs that are my "defining" songs. Like I said - eclectic.

1. "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel - this song is timeless for me. If it came out now I would still love it. And not just because of my timeless crush on Lloyd Dobler. It's more because of my crush on Dave Totten. He doesn't want to buy anything sold, bought, or processed, either.

2. "All I Want is You" by U2 - it is so intense. It is so powerful. And I loved that they used it in "Reality Bites".

3. "Purple Rain" by Prince - I don't know - I had a thing for Prince in the 80's. I like most of that album - a few songs glaringly excepted.

4. "Rainmaker" by Hans Zimmer - This is actually from the soundtrack to "The Power of One". I like to listen to it turned way up. I love African music. It's very spiritual. This isn't the complete song, unfortunately. I would recommend it.

5. "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" sung by Josh Groban - I like his version because Josh Groban's voice has an addictive chemical in it. Like Kentucky Fried Chicken. Two points if you can figure out that reference. Seriously, though, this song pretty much sends my soul soaring.


Jeanne said...

I'm with you on Peter Gabriel. That's me and Matt's song. He gave me that tape while we were dating. Love it and love that movie because of you. I'll have to think of what other songs I really connect with.

Sara said...

Bach is one of my favorite composers, and that version by Josh Groban sends chills up my spine.

Lisa said...

"So I Married an Ax Murderer." Is there a catalog that I can look through to redeem my points?

Allison said...

I also love Jesu by Josh. I love how you said his voice has an addictive chemical in it. I totally agree!