Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Herriman Beach

There is a beach in Herriman. It's more like a sandy lake, but hey - it's there. Up on the mountain and free for everyone. Today we took our van into the mechanic so Dave took the day off and we took the kids for a swim. It is a beautiful day and it was cloudy on and off so that kept things cool. The kids splashed and swam and had a grand old time. There is an area of about 15 feet at the front of the water, then a low wall, and beyond that it gets deeper. So it was easy to tell the kids to just not cross the wall. They didn't seem that interested in crossing it anyway. Perfect!

Herriman Beach
Josh swimming
Clara - happy as usual!
Just like the real ocean...without waves!

It's a pretty big place and while it was crowded, it wasn't unbearable. We had plenty of space. I imagine it gets bad on Saturdays, but for a Wednesday afternoon it was just fine. There were people with umbrellas and gazebos and picnics. It would be a great place to spend the afternoon swimming and reading and floating!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Family 2009

Top: Cousins at the temple; Charlotte; My family at the temple; The boys; Ellen & Josh
Next: Lots of girls; Uncle Jack; Water Games; Heidi & Ellen; Terry & Charlotte
Middle: Eric & Sean; Erin & Charlotte; Talking nonstop; more water games; Cousins
Next: Terry; Ava; Rachel & Dusty; Heidi & Eric; Running in the field
Bottom: Sarah & Bryn; Brothersons; Josh & Clara; Clara; Food!

One of the things I really love about my extended family, is our ability to throw together reunions and gatherings in the blink of an eye. For the past week my cousins have been here from Fargo, and an aunt, uncle, and two cousins were here from Phoenix. So we did as Earls do, and played the week away. BBQs, Thanksgiving Point, Water Games, Picnics, Temple Tour, Fireworks, a grown up dinner, and lots of little cousins playing as hard as possible.

I love my extended family. They are all crazy, loving, loud, opinionated, and fun people. I never for one second question whether or not I am loved in this group!

Monday, July 27, 2009

5K Madness!

Bright and early on Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed, got dressed in my favorite running outfit, brushed my teeth, slicked my hair back, and started stretching. At around 6:45am, my cousin Bonnie and I headed over to the race. We were very early, but she still needed to register so we figured it wouldn't hurt. It also gave me extra stretch time.
Bonnie - ready to run!
Bonnie and me - she is 12 years younger than me. Do I look that much older?

A little while later Melissa and the boys arrived. The boys tortured potato bugs while we waited.
Melissa, Bonnie and me

At a little after 8:00am the race begun. Melissa and I started off running for as long as we could. Make that as long as I could! She was so patient with me. Then we alternated between walking and running, taking advantage of as many downhill segments as possible. I waved Bonnie on ahead because I knew she was way faster than me.
Bonnie finishing the race with Grace and Tucker.
About 8 minutes after Bonnie crossed the finish line, it was Melissa's and my turn.

I had had a tough time at the end. I was losing energy and I desperately needed water. I'm the type of person that needs to drink water and stay hydrated throughout, and we had only had one water station. I will have to remember that for the future and make sure that I have enough!
Crossing the finish line almost five minutes faster than we thought we would!

Melissa is the best cheerleader and the best person to run with. She kept me motivated and helped me get past the tough parts. I know three miles doesn't seem like that much, but it really is for me. I am hoping to continue training and work up to longer distances, but I'm happy that I finished the race and did better than I had planned.
At the end of the race!
Part of the trail - it was beautiful! 70 degrees and cloudy. Perfect for running.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

This is what I will somehow be wearing on my shirt on Saturday. It signifies that I will be meandering three-point-one miles along the south end of the Jordan River. This is my first 5K - hopefully one of many! I'm doing it with my BRB (Best Running Buddy) Melissa, and maybe Laurie if we can talk her into it.

Next up: Swiss Days 10K

Island Park, Idaho

A few weeks ago we went up to Island Park, Idaho for a family gathering. We stayed in a cabin and this was the view from the deck. It was beautiful! We went to Big Springs, which is a clear water river that comes from some lake that was a volcano or something like that. I was clearly paying attention. It's beautiful and I would recommend it!
Clara holding her grandparents' hands while walking on the trail. Probably one of my favorite pictures of Josh right now. He's such a cute kid. Even when he isn't being one. One of those rare family pictures!
Ama Ancy and Papa Rick at Big Springs The next day we headed to Yellowstone where we were just in time (after lunch) to see Old Faithful blow. Those are people below. It's pretty big! Josh and Clara with Old Faithful in the background. Should have given them the lollipops after taking the picture, right? Part of the Grand Prismatic Spring. It's fantastic! I would love to go in a helicopter and fly over these pools of water. My sister, Carly, and her kids came up for the day to visit Yellowstone with us.
Sometimes they like each other.
Artists Paintpots. Jacuzzi anyone?
Another family picture! With the waterfall in the background that you can't see.
Beautiful Yellowstone Lake!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Seven years ago this week Dave and I got engaged. Seven. With no itching going on. We have had an eventful seven years with lots of love, joy, laughter, and not a lot of turmoil. Thank Heaven!

I love you, Shmoopie!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Independence Eve & Independence Day

And this is why I love Utah!
Clara (in her swimming soup) hanging out with her buddies
Setting up for fireworks with friends
Allison and Lou Lou
Keysha, Natalie, Rachel, Randall, and Marcy
Randall, Marcy, Alicia and Jason
Cooper, Ally, and Gabi
The kids ready for the show!
I love watching these kids grow up!
The fearless pyromaniacs - Collin, Justin and Chad
Allison and Bella negotiating. I love this!
Dave and me - looking a bit tired
Lou, Michelle and Jeff
Carsen and Damon
Josh has sparkler fever!
Lou Lou shows her patriotism
Clara - up and ready for a yummy breakfast at the Peck's house!
Ryan and Lou - staring off into the horizon at...?
Marcy and Rachel post food consumption
Our fabulous hostess, Keysha!