Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Point Lights

We decided to go see the lights at Thanksgiving Point on Thanksgiving weekend.  We ate at Rumbi Island Grill and then headed over.  Ama Ancy, Papa Rick, and Uncle Curt came with us.  The lights were wonderful as always.  Josh fell asleep as we were driving through them and after we got ice cream he said, "So when do we go see the lights?"

Another rare picture of the four of us.  I vow to do better at that.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This year for Thanksgiving we headed South to my aunt and uncle's house.  My cousins came up from Arizona.  After eating themselves silly, the kids put on a show where they jumped off a rock and onto the trampoline.  We all watched and discussed how we did the same thing on Thanksgiving every year when we were growing up.  Except we didn't have a trampoline in the ground.  It didn't have a net or pads around it.  It was four feet in the air.  We all survived.

 Gordy had too much turkey.
Christian wasn't feeling well. :(