Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010: Independence Day

It was a quiet Independence Day for me - I spent the day in bed with my leg up reading because the cellulitis kicked in. I took some antibiotics and put heat on it. Determined not to let it ruin our weekend plans, we headed down to Springville for First Sunday Dinner at my dad and step-mom's house. We grilled a variety of meat, had a variety of salad, fruit, chips, dips, homemade ice cream, etc. etc. It was a food fest! We ate outside on the deck, which was lovely.
Maggie, Sam and Ellen went swimming in the hot tub
We didn't let our kids swim, but they stood by the side and splashed and threw beach balls at their cousins' heads for fun.
That's Kacy in the background. She's a famous blogger. I like to name drop.
Georgia and Glenda - we love having Glenda around. She has been coming for the past few years and it has been wonderful spending time with her and getting to know her.
Believe it or not - it was cold outside (and I don't get cold) so Georgia went and got me a blanket. I loved this blanket. I want one.
I don't think we wear our kids out enough. I mean, it's only 10:30 pm and they were only up until 11:00 pm last night. Geez - life of the party these two. (And yes, that is the bathroom floor. They were supposed to be brushing their teeth, but didn't get that far.)

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