Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 3, 2010: Independence Day Preview

Since I live in a state that celebrates all Sunday holidays the Saturday before, we decided to go ahead and join in the fun. I slept in a bit, and then went out to weed, where I was bit by a spider of some sort. As a rash spread throughout my lower leg, we realized that I would need to go to instacare to get a round of antibiotics. We were supposed to be at a baptism at 1pm in Bountiful, and it was noon. So my mom came and got the kids and took them with her, while Dave and I went to the hospital. After resting a bit, we drove up and met everyone at a park for a picnic. I didn't take a single picture of it. Sad. But, I repented when I got home. I had made Nat's sugar cookie dough the day before and stuck it in the fridge. I rolled it out and baked it and decorated a few cookies before all of the kids arrived to decorate the rest. I used a different frosting recipe because I haven't been able to master Nat's yet, but I added her super secret ingredient and so it tasted about the same and everyone raved so there you go.

All of the shapes cut out were stars and flags
Clara was anxious to get started. I had to tell her no less than 20 times to wait until her cousins arrived!
Jubilee when she finally got to eat one. This girl has a sweet tooth to rival mine.
The older kids played a game while the younger kids frosted. Then the older kids reaped the benefits and just ate them all.
Cute, Sassy G! Who looks a little bit like the brunette version of another G that I know.
These are all of the kids we had hanging out last night. 14 in all from 3 moms. And only 2 are mine. That's some serious reproducing, eh?
We started off with sparklers and then moved on to street fireworks.
Eric, Sean and Jack enjoying home made ice cream.
Clara just wanted to ride her scooter. She didn't care that much about the fireworks.
Josh - smack in the middle of all of the girls...again. He says that they take turns hitting him or kissing him.
Jack and Kristen getting kid snuggles
And, as always, I have to include a picture of Charlie!
After we finished the street fireworks, we headed over to the cemetery to watch the big ones that the city sets off in conjunction with their festival. We discovered this location a few years ago and while word has spread, it's still a great place to watch - even if it is a little spooky. We took care to sit in an area where there weren't headstones.
Believe it or not, it was actually chilly! Our high for the day was about 82 so by 10:00 pm it was down to about 60 and we all bundled up in coats and blankets.
Clara was about done for the day.
Sean couldn't stop talking about Tutti Fruitti ice cream all night. We hope he gets some soon.

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