Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010: Rachel Rachel Rachel

Today was ALL about my cousin, Rachel. I love Rachel.

Rachel and her girls arrived around11:30 and we ate lunch. Then we got in the pool and swam and swam and swam. This time we got in and out and got in the shade a bit so that we didn't fry. We had so much fun and it was so nice to just be able to spend the time floating and talking. This is becoming my favorite gig - swimming with one person and her kids so that I get the one on one time. Awesome. Next week - cousin Erin and cousin Bonnie. And maybe I will allow Aunt Donna and Uncle Terry to float, too. :)

Tonight we are headed to Gecko's for dinner. Mexican food. We have a $25 gift certificate along with a buy one get one entree free coupon. Then we are going to get gelato on the way home. Then we are going to watch a movie. My guess is that our kids will be snoring before the opening credits roll.


Bon said...

yeah for cousins! can't wait to see the pool! and cousins of course!

The LaLa said...

Yes, please. Your Aunt Donna, Uncle Terry, cousin Bon and little cousins Grace and Tucker -- all of us would like to float in your pool. And we'd like to see Rachel and her girls also, please. See what you can do, 'k? It's so darn hot here, and we have no pool anymore. So we're envying you. But it's not an evil envy, so it's okay. See you Wednesday! (the word verification is "vompl". Doesn't that sound like a group of vampires from Eclipse?