Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010: Housework = Clean Garage

Cleaning the garage shouldn't actually be included as housework since it is in...the garage. However, it required bringing things from the garage into the house so I am counting it anyway. When we first woke up we cleaned our main room. If we clean our main room, Mama feels better (I'm the Mama). If the main room is a disaster, Mama ain't happy. So that's what we did.

Then Dave said, "Did you want me to go to Home Depot?"
I said, "Yes, take all three kids."
Dave said, "We don't have three kids."
I said, "I know that. But, if we did, I would want you to take all three."

He only took Josh and left Clara to me. Then I saw my next door neighbor and asked him if he knew anything about electrical work (and I knew he did because he is finishing his basement). He said yes and came in and looked at our GFIs, which needed resetting or something like that. Solved! Dan saved the day! Yay, Dan! :) So I called Dave to tell him that and that I needed a diet coke.

When Dave got home I was cleaning out the garage. I moved the refrigerator over to the other side of the stairs, emptied our big blue 60 gallon barrel of last year's water and then put it in our shed and refilled it, and Dave pressure washed the garage floor. So clean. So beautiful. So not lasting more than a week.

At this point I was dripping with sweat (nice image) so the kids and I got in the pool and floated around waiting for Sara, Woodstock, and Pebbles to come over. They can only swim on Saturdays because they live far far away closer to the Big City. They joined in and we swam a while longer and then Amabuela showed up and swam with the kids and then Dave got Indian Food.

Now, Dave and I are going to a movie to celebrate 8 years since we got engaged (which is Monday). I hope my 10 readers have had a fabulous Saturday.


Lisa said...

Happy engagement anniversary! I'm not sure what day we got engaged. I just asked Tom and he thinks it was Feb. 12. I'll go with that.

A clean garage is a beautiful thing. A clean any-part-of-the-house is pretty beautiful, really.

Sheila and Mario said...

Sounds like a productive Saturday. I wish I had a garage floor to power wash. Dang the expensive East coast with all it's townhouses! Make that 11 readers

KJlovesBubba said...

What a fulfilling day my friend. I must say it provided the nudge of willpower I needed to clean our garage . . . although I think it might take at least two days and I have to clean the closet under the stairs first :)
Happy First Date Anniversary . . . hope the movie was lovely!

Kristen said...

OH MAN!!! I missed me engagement anniversary! I could've used that for a date for sure. Glad Dan could help you out - he's pretty handy. Please don't look at my garage...I'm so embarrassed by it (and the house) right now that I'm about to cry.