Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 19, 2010: Number Nine Reunion

Any time at least two members of Park Place #9 (1994-96) get together, it's a reunion. In this case it was a ROOM reunion. I moved into Park Place #9 not knowing any of the other girls in my apartment. My plan was to stay for a semester and then move back to Phoenix. The girls changed my plans. That was the most fun I ever had at BYU. Of course, Renae and I didn't get any pictures taken together last night, however, we did get pictures of the offspring.

Matt and Renae are in town visiting and came over for hamburgers, hot dogs, and swimming. It was a warm evening, but once the sun went down it was really nice outside. The kids had fun swimming and we had fun talking and discussing baby names.
Clara and J
Josh and C
I couldn't get K and T to look up at me!
After they were all in their pajamas, they performed the great noodle war of 2010.
All six crazy kids (and another one is on the way!). Total offspring for Park Place #9 so far is 18 going on 19. There were seven of us over the two years and two haven't had kids...yet. :)

1 comment:

Renae S. said...

How sad that we didn't get a picture of the two of us! (although I'm not a fan of getting my picture taken while pregnant)! We had a great time at your house and look forward to seeing you when you come to Phx next! Oh, and I count only 17 going on 18 kids for the 7 of us...am I losing my mind??