Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 15, 2010: A View of the Garden

This week from the garden:
I moved the raised bed over so that there would be some shade for the lettuce. It seems to have helped. Not sure what those smaller lettuce heads are doing, but I have been trying to prune to get them to grow. I think this is a mistake of not thinning in the beginning (hey - that rhymes).
My petunias are looking pretty. I actually put the purple plants around the perimeter (alliteration!) of the pot, but they all grew to the center. I love them. I think next year I am going to become a petunia freak and put them everywhere.
Anyone want basil? No, really. Anyone? Because this isn't even my only basil plant! I have never been very successful at growing basil until I put it in this half barrel. Guess I know where it will be every year from now on! See those tiny sprouts on the right? Those are radishes. I grew some in the square foot garden and harvested them last week. Dave was in heaven and wanted more, so I am trying to cram them into spots where they will get some shade. And really - if you want some basil, stop by and get some!
Things have really taken off over the past couple of weeks. My squash and zukes are flowering all over (yay!) with no squash bugs in sight. My onions are getting big. The tomatoes are taking over. Those are cherry tomatoes and there are a ton of small ones all over the plant. A few more weeks and I will be popping them like grapes. I also have harvested some stuff and thrown in new stuff that will be ready for cooler Fall harvesting.
The right side square foot garden isn't doing as well. I think it just doesn't get enough sun. I'm going to pull it out from the wall next year and hopefully that will give it a little bit more. I have lots of ideas for next year. Dave should be afraid.
Don't know what is going on with this little plant. I think maybe it was because I put the pot that disintegrates in there with it instead of unwrapping it. These are my early girls and I have one lonely tomato trying to grow on it. Definitely must need more sun.
This is a lettuce head that I threw in another bed just to see what it would do. It's not even close to other vegetables. Imagine that! I should just put lettuce heads all over the place in my yard. I think it is pretty. It will be almost sad to harvest it. I have to take a salad tonight to book club, so I think I am going to pull leaves from various romaine heads (I have 4-5 in my garden). I feel


Kristen said...

I knew your salad tasted super delicious for some reason. It must be from all the awesome sprinkler water your neighbors send over. ;)

Casey Davison said...

One time when I was little my dad accidentally mowed my mom's lettuce in the garden......we had lettuce all over the yard after that. Kinda fun!!!!
I love all your plants.