Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 21, 2010: All About Bonnie

I decided to become a doTerra distributor so that I can get the essential oils that I like and that are working for me at a good price, so this morning I drove down to pick up my order. But first, I picked up Bonnie.

Bonnie is my baby cousin (with two kids) and I love her. She is an amazing woman even though I think of her as a little girl. I love to hang out with her because she is so relaxed and funny and has a great sense of humor. I do tend to talk her ear off when I am with her (but I do that to most people). We have kids the same ages - same grades even. She came last summer and we ran a 5K "together" (she was about an hour ahead of me). This summer our ambitions run more along the lines of lounging on the couch and eating.

The kids swam the afternoon away and then we made bagel sandwiches for dinner and my Uncle Terry, Bonnie's dad, came over to hang out for the evening. He was kicked out by the Three Weird Sisters because they were having a dinner with old friends. Our intentions were to watch a movie, but instead we ate popcorn and cookies in the basement. The kids all slept in Josh's room in a massive blanket tent that Bonnie and I configured. Terry said that we were ruining the kids' ability to make tents because ours was so totally fabulous. Or something like that.

1 comment:

Bon said...

thanks again for letting us crash! it was fun!