Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8, 2010: Summer Begins

Summer was officially launched today! We decided to start off with lunch at the splash park. Melissa sent out the email, and that was all it took. Paige, Laurie, Melissa, Alicia, Trisha, and I met for a few hours of fun and relaxation. While we were there, my cousin Erin called and said, "I need to get the kids out of the house. Do you know where one of those parks are with the water things?" I said, "I'm AT one." So, she brought her girls and joined us. Seven moms and 21 kids plus a splash park equals awesome. I have a feeling that we will be spending many days here this summer. This is the first year that I don't have to follow my kids around and can just watch them from under a tree in the shade. Heaven!

Laurie and Allie
Clara and Lucy
Beautiful Melissa!
Erin and Charlotte
Abby and Sarah
Sarah, Eden, Tailey, Lyissa, and Jacey
RJ and RJ (yes, they both have the same name!)
Trisha, Paige, and Tailey
Lucy and Clara
Sarah and Charlotte
Maile and Josh (troublemakers)
Sarah, Charlotte, and Abby

1 comment:

Bon said...

looks like fun! i would love to take my kids to a splash park without melting in 110 degrees. can't wait to see you guys!