Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010 - The Amazing Race: Salt Lake City Part One

This is going to come in installments! What a night! Our friends, Natalie and Collin planned a huge Amazing Race. They sent out an email a month or so ago asking who would like to participate so we signed up. Then we got our team assignments about a week ago. Unfortunately at the last minute two of our team members had to back out due to premature labor, but Nat found us alternates and that worked out well because they agreed to drive.

We all met at Collin's parents' house to start the race and get our instructions. Our team was called "Encantado". Below are some of the other teams who joined in. I think there were 10-12 teams in all, and each team had six people.
Marcy and Randall
Jason as "Mr. T."
The "P.I." team. All of their last names start with P.
Our fabulous hosts - Natalie and Collin!

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