Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010: A Quiet Day

Today was a quiet day, mostly because I was at my lymph therapy for most of the afternoon. Have I mentioned how much I love my therapist? We were MFEO as far as my edema is concerned. Not to mention my psychological well-being. She's quite intuitive and has taught me a great deal. I know I have mentioned that, but I will probably keep mentioning it.

I have discovered the benefits of oil of oregano. I have only been using it for a week, but I am quite amazed at what it is doing for me as far as healing. My edema fighting regime consists of:

1. Yoga (when I remember to do it)
2. Oil Pulling (Sesame)
3. Castor Oil Packs (Liver and Large intestine)
4. Oil of Oregano
5. Probiotics
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
7. Biotin
8. Lots of Water
9. Compression hose at night
10. Faith

So far, it is working.

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