Sunday, March 22, 2009


Tomorrow morning at 6:00am, Dave and I have a hot date to start P90X. That is Keysha's plan of attack for us, so for the next 90 days we will be committed to the program. I'm motivated, scared, and already exhausted. We watched the first dvd that we will do tomorrow so that we would have an idea of what to expect. Our plan is to do that every evening until we have watched them all. We are doing it together in order to motivate each other. This is really a big commitment for me because I generally sleep in until around 7:30. So instead of going to bed at 11pm, I will be going to bed around 9:30.

I will be tracking it day by day on my food and exercise journal so that you don't have to read about it daily here. I know that is annoying. I'm owning all of the numbers and Keysha is coming over to do measurements tonight. I would love some encouragement on that blog if anyone feels motivated to leave nice comments. :)


Kristen said...

I'll encourage you Heidi. I think you look terrific as you are but it's always great to challenge yourself to be better! You'll do great, you have a partner in crime with Dave and you can't get a better coach than Keysha! Look out 20 year reunion, here comes hot stuff Heidi!

Allison said...

Good luck! I know that you can do it.

Jeanne said...

Good luck! Maybe you'll inspire me. Matt borrowed that from a friend here and keeps putting it off starting it. Maybe I should try to do it with him, that might motivate both of us. Good idea. I'm anxious to hear how it goes.