Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What a Difference

Last summer my sweet friend Natalie turned her thermostat up to some ridiculously high number like 78 degrees to save money. I was horrified because I am hot at 70 degrees most days. But bless her, it gave me an idea. I knew this winter I wouldn't have babies in the house so I told Dave and the kids, "If you are cold, put on a sweater. No more of this 72 degree business. We are keeping it at 66."

The result? Josh has had one cold, Clara has had one cold, I have had one cold. Dave really hasn't had one. Last year I think we had colds every few weeks. Plus, I am saving $30 a month on my gas bill. I can't complain about that. That's pizza money!

We can get a good cross wind going during the summer if we open our windows at night. The problem is that we live in a one-story so that isn't really the safest option. I would still rather have it cold in the winter than above 72 in the summer. What are your thoughts?


Shelese said...

We will have to try that next year with no baby in the house. One cold each per winter sounds good to me.
We have our thermostat at 70.

so glad to be back in your blog thanks for the invite.

Carly said...

I think it's ok to compromise here. If you could stand 66 degrees in winter, then bring on the AC in the summer. Remember, heat stroke is real.

kacy faulconer said...

So, being cold is boosting your immune system?

Trish and Matt said...

We do 66 in winter, 78 in summer. We have lots of ceiling fans, don't get a lot of direct sunlight in the rooms we spend most time in and are better at coping with the heat after living in Europe without AC. BUT ... if the warmth is going to make you grumpy or totally impact your life, pay the $$ and do what you gotta do. You DON'T live in Europe and you had AC installed in your house for a reason. If you're not sleeping at night, it ain't worth it.

Trish and Matt said...

P.S. I thought we were extreme, 'til I talked with a friend of mine. Her husband keeps it at 55 during the winter (nights) and 62 (days). WOWZA.

Loree said...

It's a great idea except for when company sleeps in your basement and their nose is so cold they can't think. ;-) Actually, Tyler slept so well at your house in the freezing cold basement and back here again, he wakes up crying every night. Grrr....