Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Clara Turns Three

Clara - March 2006
Clara - March 2007
Clara - March 2008
Clara - yesterday when she got into my lipstick
Clara - March 2009
Clara - The Birthday Girl!

My baby girl is three.

She informs me that today she is a big girl and will go poop in the potty. I'm patiently waiting for that moment. Should come at any time.

She wants a pink butterfly princess birthday party.

She talks, sings, dances and flirts non-stop.

She's tall and her beautiful blond hair is getting darker as she gets older.

She loves princess dresses and changing her clothes eight times a day.

She loves taking showers or baths.

She still sucks her thumb.

She loves to be naked and has two barbies that apparently share this trait.

She loves to play with her friends Jacey and Caitlin.

She loves preschool and is learning letters.

She alternately fights with and adores Josh. They remind me of Monica and Ross on "Friends".

Words can't really describe my feelings for my baby girl. She is a light and a joy to me and I love her very much. I love that we share a birthday - it makes my birthday more special to me now because I get to celebrate with her. I can't imagine life without her and I never want to! She is a wonderful, beautiful soul and I am grateful to be her mommy and grateful to have her as a little girl. Happy Birthday, Clara!


Trish and Matt said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry to be so late in sending out my warm wishes. I've thought about it a few times today, but part of me just hasn't accepted the fact that we are truly into the month of March. Hope you have a good one!

The LaLa said...

Beautiful tribute, Heidi! Hope you publish this so she can read it. Or is she so very remarkable that she's reading already? I wouldn't be surprised! Happy Birthday to both of you.

KEYSHA said...

Darling little Clara. Has it really been three years? Where oh where has the time gone?

Okay, so what's the deal with little girls changing their clothes (and wanting to run around naked). I finally had to start keeping Myka's bedroom door shut after she was dressed for the day; or she would go back in there and continue changing outfits!

Hope little Clara (big Clara!) had a happy day...(and her momma too)!

Allison said...

So I am a blogging slacker lately. I'm catching up on your blog. Your little girl is darling!