Tuesday, March 31, 2009

You Know it is Spring When...

I don't actually know that it is Spring. Not when I am freezing my keister off because in a moment of weakness I agreed to sign Josh up for Spring baseball. Did you know that they have like, four practices and two games a week for like, eight WEEKS? If you knew that, why didn't you stop me?

So there we were out in about 25 degree weather while our sweet kid learned the fine art of "Swing batta batta batta Swing!" If he didn't have the biggest smile of all time on his face I would have thrown him in the car and headed to Kneaders for hot chocolate.

Hangin' in the outfield
The cheering section - Dave, Kristen, Laurie and Dave C.Jamie the Assistant Coach
There's that smile!Clara was just plain mad that she couldn't play.
Randall giving lessons
Swing low...


kacy faulconer said...

I would have stopped you if you'd asked.

Kristen said...

It was cold but oh so fun to see our kids have fun! Josh is solo darling!!!