Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23rd

This morning I called my mom and said, "Wanna go check out the new Winco?" Because I can! Because I am not on such a tight schedule with work. It was really quite pleasant and lovely and I think my mom is liking the fact that I have this freedom so that we can play a little bit. We spent the morning checking out the store, picked up Josh from school, and then I came home and put the chicken that I bought for $.98/lb in ziploc bags, chopped up bell peppers and froze them, made Clara lunch, and am just enjoying the Fall day. Chili is in the crockpot for our ward Halloween party tonight. The house is a mess, but I'm used to that. One of these days I will get around to doing something more constructive, but this newfound freedom is taking over for the moment.

Yesterday we piled the crazies in the car and headed over to the Castle Park, which really looks nothing like a castle, but apparently everyone calls it that anyway. It is a huge park and my kids are gaga over the play area. Pictures don't do it justice, because it is just so gigantic, but it is the ideal park for a family reunion, and we just happen to be in charge of one Summer 2011 so we were elated to find it. It isn't very close to our house, so we probably won't go a lot, but it's something new and exciting at the moment.

1 comment:

The LaLa said...

I'm still here, reading. It's fun to catch up with you. It's great your work schedule is thinning out a bit. Enjoy these play dates with your mom. Can't wait to see you at New Year's! We will have two little fellers for you to snuggle! One of them's coming this week. Yeah!