Friday, August 7, 2009

Why I Love My Kids #982

Last week my boss was chasing after her cat and fell off the bottom stairs, crunching her foot. She lives around the corner from me, so once I got wind of it I immediately ran to Kneaders, which is my go-to place for injuries and illnesses. Clara was at my mom's, so Josh and I headed over.

While I was talking to Jackie, her daughter took him upstairs to show him their cats. Jackie's daughter has tattoos all up and down her arms, and was wearing a tank top so Josh could clearly see them. Tonight Jackie told me about a conversation between Josh and her daughter.

Josh: (In a concerned voice) I really like your tattoos, but, did you know that Heavenly Father doesn't want us to have tattoos?
Jackie's Daughter: I know, you are right. You should never get them. Instead you could just use stickers, because they come right off.
Josh: That is a great idea.

Thankfully she thought it was adorable and wasn't offended at all. My sweet little goody-two-shoes almost six year old. I just love him. And what I really love was that he prefaced it with "I really like your tattoos...." like that would soften the blow since she obviously didn't get Heavenly Father's memo about the no tattoo policy.


Trish and Matt said...


Em said...

i love how kids can just say it like it is and people chose to listen and take it in, instead of get mad or offensive.

Lisa said...

I love this story. Josh is such a good kid, and I love his tactfulness.

Reminds me of another story: My friend's dad has been a physics professor at the U of U forever. Back in the 70s, when all the kids were small, he often hosted little gatherings for visiting professors at his home. It's the 70s -- everybody who wasn't LDS smoked. One time, one of the professors started to light up in the living room and one of the littlest kids said, "You shouldn't smoke."

The professor said, "Says who?"

The kid very somberly said, "Smokey the Bear and Holy the Ghost."

Heidi said...

Love it - such a good kid learning really good stuff...

The LaLa said...

When your cousin Sheila was little, she was exceedingly honest --no filters... but oh so well meaning. One time she busted a guy for smoking in a MacDonald's by running over to him, patting his knee, and saying, very loudly, "Dad, dis man moking!" Another time at a Little League game she told a lady who was smoking that she was taking drugs ('cuz her daddy said smoking was like a drug). The lady got very offended, and did not accept our or Sheila's apology. Thank goodness the neighbor girl with the tattoo was gracious. Out of the mouths of kindergarteners....