Sunday, January 4, 2009


I have had a loss of words this week. I don't know if it is because Utah won their bowl game against Alabama. I don't know if it is the four inches of global warming that we got this week, on top of the foot last week. Or maybe it is the gasp heard round the neighborhood when I got on the scale for the first time after the Holiday gluttony.

All of the above.

Today officially ends the Holiday season for me. I am starting one of two new callings. I have four interviews scheduled for tomorrow. I'm officially eating nothing but rabbit food.

Yep, definitely the end of the Holidays.

Oh wait, what's that you say? You say I get to go to Hawaii in 19 days?

OK! Let's keep this party going! Happy New Year!


NatRat said...

Your what??? Going to Hawaii! Again! You are one lucky girl.

Heidi said...

Are you taking the little rug rats with you? Or enjoying a break!

Heidi Totten said...

I'm actually going with my 16 year old niece and visiting my cousin, Jeanne. :)

Burgandi Keddington said...

Say Hi to the warm sun for me - oh how I miss it in the winter!

Olson's said...

Amen. Today is the end all for me too. No more yummy yummy food, lots more time at the gym, and I'm starting a countdown to Hawaii.

Can't wait to hear about all the fun things you do there!

Lisa said...

Yay, Hawaii. That will be fantastic. Just to warn you, nobody looses any weight in Hawaii, between the shave ice and the fried Spam. But it's worth it!

Lisa said...

Wait a minute -- you have a 16 year old cousin? Which of those little kids is now 16? That's impossible!

Kristen said...

What a great trip to look forward to! FUN!