Sunday, August 8, 2010

July 24, 2010: The Pig Roast #6

For the weekend of the 24th of July, or as they call it in Utah - Pioneer Day - we decided to go down to Springville. My famous sister, Carly, and her kids were in town from their sprawling farm in Idaho. It's been a while since we got the cousins together to play, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Plus, it was unlikely that I would have to cook because Carly is a gourmet chef (in between swigs of diet coke) and I would rather eat her food.
So we headed down. This picture conjures up thoughts of Snow White for me.
This was in our car and I can't figure out what the streamers are doing in there.
Clara and Hazel on the swings. They play really well together and are just so cute it melts my heart. Plus, they both have old lady names. They will be roommates in college with Ellen.
Holden is mysterious. I adore him and think he is one of the funniest kids out there.
Saturday evening we went to my famous sister Kacy's annual Pig Roast. Christian is the one that does the roasting, while Kacy dresses in cute clothes and works the crowd.
People bring sides. A woman brought carrots and they were popular with Josh. I love the one pocket hanging out look.
This year, instead of at their house, they held the Pig Roast at a pavilion near their church building. It was great because it was covered and didn't require too much prep work.
Christian telling a poor kid that he is only allowed one drink per Pig Roast.
My famous sister in their matching shades. I bask in their glory.
And this little love is Ruby, the baby of them all. I heart Ruby.

1 comment:

kacy faulconer said...

I'm glad you posted this! I didn't get any pictures.