Thursday, April 16, 2009

Word Up

I know I said I wouldn't post a lot about my Transformation that is going on, but I just have to say that I am falling deeply in love with yoga. Since P90X uses yoga in every DVD, I am getting the gist of it, and also getting really quite good at it. Or so Dave tells me. I think the combo of weight training and yoga is phenomenal. It's giving me ideas for later when I come up with a maintenance program. After I lose 50 pounds, that is. :)

So if you haven't done yoga before and are terrified, don't be. It is tough and when you start you feel like a big idiot, but as you get more into the stretching and poses your body becomes familiar with it. Even Dave grumbles less as he gets more flexible.

And I'm about two inches from being able to do the splits again. Now that is sayin' somethin'.

1 comment:

Trish and Matt said...

Another yoga lover -- yay! It's done wonders for me, too. I can't say enough positive things about it. It's true that your body really does become accustomed to it and WANT yoga on a regular basis. I went off yoga for a few weeks when I was sick and my body didn't forgive me for weeks. So glad I've finally recovered and am going strong again.