Thursday, April 16, 2009

Beyond the Bus Stop

Thanks to my Team Beachbody website, I discovered another fun little site called Beyond the Bus Stop. I have many many friends who are moms and trying to balance being a mom and still being an individual. I have long thought that the best example that I can be to my kids, especially my daughter, is to still be myself. My mom taught me to be independent because she was herself independent.

One of my major goals with raising children is to teach them how to stay strong in this world. They are going to face challenges that I haven't even dreamed of. I want them to know how to be strong because they see ME being strong. I love being a mother and I am grateful for my two beautiful children, but at the same time I always need to remember that they will have their own journey that will someday not involve me on a daily basis. I want them to someday leave home well equipped to handle their world because they have seen me handle MY world. It does them no good if I am off-balance because I am focusing completely and totally on them. I don't want to ever use them as an excuse to not accomplish what Heavenly Father has in mind for me. That sounds like a selfish statement, but it isn't. I do a lot for my kids and I try to do as much service as I can for others. But I am a much much better mom when I am also taking care of myself.

During these 90 days of P90X (which is by far my favorite workout program EVER) I am trying to focus on mind, body and spirit. I'm challenging myself by reading passages of scripture that I normally don't (i.e. Isaiah and Revelation). I'm focusing on learning the balance of nutrition and exercise in order to be fit. Not THIN, but fit. Healthy. And finally, I am trying to discover what I really want to be as a wife, mother, daughter, friend, cousin, and niece.


Heidi said...

You are a great example.

The LaLa said...

You go, girl! I enjoy yoga too. It makes me feel sexy -- which at age 54 is a tough sell for myself.