Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yeah, I Know

I said I wasn't going to post until I got back from Arizona, but I'm a flip-flopper on these things, ya know. Last night I headed down to the wild wilderness of Orem, Utah because my favorite oldest cousin, Sean, was in town. Sean has a Ph.D. in Family Science. I have a lowly Bachelor's degree in the same field. But I like to keep up on the happenings in the world of Family Science and Sean is always good for a long deep involved conversation.

Four hours later I was loaded up with statistics that scared the crap outta me, but I was also filled with hope. He emphasized that God loves each of us the same no matter what our choices, and has a plan for each of us. He talked about how for the past five years an overall theme in the Church has been hope. He counseled me to not take my counsel from fear. I told him I might stop watching TV altogether.

I drove home with a lot weighing on my mind and a stronger determination to just stay as close to Dave, Josh, and Clara as possible.

1 comment:

Angela Benedict Smith said...

Thanks for the reminder. Fear is powerful but so is hope.