Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 28, 2010 - Cousins

Before Jeanne had the baby, we decided we wanted to do a sleepover with Erin and Rachel. She had the baby early, so it was postponed until last night. Dave took the kids out of the house so that we could stay up as late as we wanted (thanks, Dave!) and the silliness began. Fortunately, our niece, Ellen, who is almost 18 and really closer to us than the kids in her generation, came into town with her dad at the last minute. We decided that we would allow her to join our crazy group.

After a dinner of Indian food (Chicken Coconut Kurma, Chicken Tikka, and Shrimp Curry), Ellen decided to try on Erin's wedding dress. Rachel took charge of the photo shoot and said things like, "Now look like Ellen just said something funny!" and "Now look at her fake ring!"
Ellen in Erin's wedding dress
Ellen saying something funny.
Ellen showing off her pretend engagement ring.

Then we took it one step further and I got out my prom dresses for Erin and Ellen to try on. No way they could fit me! Erin was happy with the swishing sound that my really awesome taffeta midnight blue dress made. There was a lot of laughter going on.

Blue dress - Junior Prom; Black dress - Senior Prom

The baby was not exactly happy being the only boy around!
Then Rachel broke out her caramel corn and put her hair up in a bow and the party really got started.
We played toss the dips. Yeah - like those ice cream dips.

Finally around midnight we settled in to watch "13 Going on 30" because we really hadn't been juvenile enough. After the movie we fell asleep and then woke up at 8:30 to go to Kneaders for breakfast.

There is something wonderful about your cousins also being your friends. It really is a blessing!

1 comment:

The LaLa said...

Soooo much fun -- I love all you crazy girls. And I love that you are still juvenile because that's how we remember you. I wish my own girls could have been with you. 13 going on 30 was the perfect chick flick choice! Party on.