Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Oh, It is Wonderful!

Clara on the slides
Josh swinging on the wheel

It is currently almost 60 degrees outside. In Utah. In February. Which makes me very happy, even if there are storm clouds rolling in. At 60 degrees it is way too warm to snow. To celebrate, we had our first trip to the park. No jackets needed.

While there, I realized that Clara is almost three. Which means no more hovering around the jungle gym. She can play. Which means I could like, take a book to the park while the kids play and stuff. Holy cow. Freedom is attacking me on all sides. Or close to it.
Not quite yet, but almost three year old

I also realized that knowing everyone in the world has its advantages. For example, yesterday I got to go to lunch with Melissa because she graced me with her presence. And then today I was at the park at the same time as Melissa so we went on a walk about while the kids ran to the bridge and back. So basically, I get to have playtime with my friends, too, when I go to the park. I love my neighborhood. Really every day it gets better.

Then we came home and I got to see Keysha for the first time in a week. It's unsettling when people are out of town. It affects the balance of the neighborhood too much.
Josh, Jacey, Clara and Carter

We had a very busy and fun weekend. Friday night the Crazy Comptons came over while their mom and dad had a hot date. Then Saturday I planted some starts in my little greenhouse pod, we went to lunch at Ama and Papa's house, and worked on some projects. Sunday I taught Relief Society and then we had friends over for dinner and the Academy Awards. Last night the Suds came over for Family Night. Tonight I am going to bed early, hopeing that Spring is just around the corner!

Clara and Kate in matching pajamas - sidenote: These girls are almost three years apart in age, but are about the same size and love each other


Trish and Matt said...

It's fun to read this post as we are having the same exact day here! We walked to music class this morning ... we walked to pick Goose up from school ... and we're going on a walk to the park in just a bit. Memories from the day will hopefully tide us over 'til spring truly does arrive.

p.s. I'm with ya on easy trips to the park. I can't WAIT to let me kids run around on their own while relaxing on a park bench. I think this will be the summer.

KEYSHA said...

glad I was able to see you too:) Maybe this year you will join us for playdate at the park (or we can just hang-out in my front yard!)

I'm impressed you've already planted. You need to teach me that garden box thing; that's my type of gardening!