Sunday, February 8, 2009

Injury...grossage warning

We interrupt my Hawaiian travels to bring to the following broadcast: I have no toenail now on my right big toe.

Yesterday I was downstairs cleaning up from Christmas...

I was vacuuming, dusting, moving furniture, when I moved a big chair right over my toenail. It lifted my toenail up and out and I screamed and bled a lot. Dave hauled me to instacare where they stabbed me with a needle (which hurt worse than the original injury) to numb me and proceeded to remove my toenail.

Ouch doesn't cover it. They shoot horses for less than this.

When the numbness wore off I couldn't stop crying. The pain was worse than my c-section. It was like having my toe be repeatedly smashed by a hammer. I took advil and tylenol until Dave called in and asked if I could get something stronger. Then I took tylenol with codeine, which actually made no difference. Advil is the only thing that remotely dulls this kind of pain.

I took two tylenol pm to sleep last night and while Dave said I slept fitfully, I feel like I got a good night of sleep.

This morning I was completely dreading the process of soaking it, cleaning it, and rebandaging it. I prayed for a lot of strength and endurance. The soaking actually felt great! I soaked in epsom salts so I think that helped. It was the first time I had seen the actual toe, so I was a little freaked out, but I think I handled it well.

Dave told me he would clean it out so I laid down and he told me all about how he didn't like spaghetti as a kid until he one day mixed it with corn. After that it was his favorite food. He swabbed it with q-tips and hydrogen peroxide and then put neosporin with pain relief all over it. Together we bandaged it back up. It feels so much better right now than it did before the soak. I think it was because of my Davey's TLC. He's a saint. Seriously a saint.

Looks like my foot modeling career is over.


Jen said...

Ouch!!!! Sounds like you need some percoset! Or something like it. I prefer vicodin myself.:)

Heidi said...

Yikes! Hopefully it will grow back for sandal weather and at least it is after your flip-flopping, ocean swimming trip :)

Lisa said...

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Sara said...

Himself said now you can have a big toe that matches his (he doesn't have either of his big toenails).

I can't begin to imagine the horrible, horrible pain - all those nerve endings right there. OUCH.


KEYSHA said...

So sad; I always thought you had the potential to be a foot model! (You and Lou Lou)! Do they ever grow back?

Olson's said...

Yuck and ouch! So sorry that you had to endure through all that, it sounds so painful. I am going to start praying that I never loose a toenail.......

Casey Davison said...

Holy Cow...I can't even imagine. I just almost threw up reading about it.

Jenny said...

OUCH!!!!Our little lady took a 1/3 of her nail a while back. It is still working on growing back in.

Allison said...

Holy moly! I've been MIA from the blogging world and I'm just hearing about this. So sorry! Is there anything I can do to help you?