Monday, September 5, 2011

Josh Turns 8

Today is Josh's 8th birthday.  In some ways it has taken forever to get here, and in other ways it seems like he was just born.  They say kids grow up fast, and they really do, but, I love Josh as an 8 year old.  He was cute to me at every age and I'm just glad I have been able to know him for these past 8 years.  While his birthday is today, we decided on Saturday to have a little birthday party for him.  Because of our Disneyland trip and his baptism in a couple of months, we made it less of a "friends" party and instead invited our next door neighbors, the neighbors across the street, my mom, and Dave's parents and siblings over for homemade pizza.  The kids later watched a movie.  There were no decorations or party games or anything.  Josh seemed to like it because in the middle of the party he ran up and hugged me and thanked me for having it.
 Josh and the RomiKids
 Pizza party for his birthday
 Dan pulled out Hailee's loose tooth for the entertainment portion
 Josh got about 10 cards with money and one really awesome lego game.  He has plans for the money that involve Pokemon.
 A roomful of people watching Josh open presents
 Lauren, Gavin, Clara and Gabi
 Cool lego pirate game!
 11 kids - when we all moved into the neighborhood there were 5.  We've had a busy seven years.  I will pay $1 to a random reader who can come close to guessing the ages of these kids.  Go ahead - try it.  Unless you are Loree, Kristen, Lou, or anyone else who was at the party.  Or anyone else who knows these kids.  In a nutshell, their height does not match their ages.
 We were even graced with the presence of the newlyweds! 
This was the best I could do running to Smith's the morning of the party.  I figured it was fun and different and since we didn't have a particular theme, I wasn't too attached to anything specific.  For his baptism I have my friend Natalie tasked with making cute cookies.

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