Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten for Clara

Ahh, the first day of Kindergarten.  One of the biggest first of a child's life!  The day has finally arrived.  Clara and her bestie, Hailee, changed their minds several times about clothes and decided on these simple blue polo dresses and sandals.  I am envisioning flashes of underwear and complaints that they didn't have adequate shoes for recess.  Whatever.  I knew the clothing thing was going to be a battle, which is why my daughter has been looking rather strange and mismatched for the past year. 
 Clara and Hailee
 The Four Patriots - Josh, Clara, Hailee and Spencer
 Clara and Hailee
 Hailee, Clara and Gabi wait for Kate (we always wait for Kate)
 My babies and my other babies - Gabi, Josh, Spencer, Hailee, Kate and Clara
 Hailee and Clara in front of Providence Hall
 Clara and Hailee sitting in the hall waiting for class to start
Clara waiting in line for her class.  I am pretty sure I looked exactly like this when I started Kindergarten.  I can remember how I felt, and that I was a little shy back then.  I got a little choked up, but she is really ready for Kindergarten and I know she is going to love it.  She's my baby, so of course I will miss her.  I realize that this is kind of it - no more kids at home after this year (she will go half day this year) during the day.  It will make summers so much sweeter.  Just when they start to get fun and interesting and outgrow their tantrums you send them off to school.  Oh well - new and exciting adventures and that is what I want for them.  I never had any illusions that I could keep them little forever!  On to the next phase!

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