Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Little Preschool Program

 On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Clara goes to Maestra's for the morning.  She hears almost nothing but Spanish while she is there, and is to the point where she understands most of what is said to her.  Maestra has been a friend of mine for about 12 years.  I lived in her grandparents' house in Virginia with some roommates and we got to know each other well.  Imagine our surprise when we ran into each other at JC Penney a few years ago and realized that we were neighbors here.  It has been wonderful to see her a few times a week.
 There are 8 children in the class and they sing and dance and make messes.  It's awesome.
 They had to sing all of their songs in Spanish.
 Maestra has more energy than any other teacher I have seen, but she is like that in real life, too. 
There is only one boy in the class, and lots of little princesses that apparently have quite a few discussions about who will or won't be invited to birthday parties.  
For a kid that doesn't have a dog, she sure does SOUND like one!
 Clara and Maestra

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