Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 19, 2010: Christmas Eve with Cousins

 The Sunday before Christmas we usually get together with cousins for a Christmas Eve-like celebration.  We had honey baked ham, rolls, salad, fruit, and pies for dessert. 
 Then we gathered for singing.  A few years ago I made several books of music for my aunt and uncle for Christmas so that they would have them for occasions such as this.
 The books have both spiritual and secular music in them.
 My cute uncle
 Clara was an angel for the nativity and Lucy was Mary
 Ava was the baby Jesus
 Joseph and the Angel
 Josh played Joseph since he was the only boy
 Mary wasn't too excited to have the lace on her head.
 We agreed that Ava seemed to be just fine wrapped in a pillowcase and that maybe it was a good idea for the future.
 At one point, Uncle Gordy put Joseph into a straight jacket mode.  That was fun.
 We aren't totally sure what Uncle Mike is doing.
 Uncle Eric was Nephi...or a Sith depending on how you look at it.
 It's a good thing that there were plenty of bathrobes around.  Uncle Gordy played the donkey - an appropriate role for him.
 After the nativity and reading of Luke 2, Aunt Karen told some stories. 
 Josh was totally absorbed in what she was saying.
 Then we took a picture on the stairs with all of the kids.  Charlie wasn't happy.
 Erin learned how to take peppermint sticks and stab them into oranges and then drink the juice.  It's actually fun and really good and the kids loved it.
 I know I am biased, but this little girl is ridiculously cute.

The Little Preschool Program

 On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Clara goes to Maestra's for the morning.  She hears almost nothing but Spanish while she is there, and is to the point where she understands most of what is said to her.  Maestra has been a friend of mine for about 12 years.  I lived in her grandparents' house in Virginia with some roommates and we got to know each other well.  Imagine our surprise when we ran into each other at JC Penney a few years ago and realized that we were neighbors here.  It has been wonderful to see her a few times a week.
 There are 8 children in the class and they sing and dance and make messes.  It's awesome.
 They had to sing all of their songs in Spanish.
 Maestra has more energy than any other teacher I have seen, but she is like that in real life, too. 
There is only one boy in the class, and lots of little princesses that apparently have quite a few discussions about who will or won't be invited to birthday parties.  
For a kid that doesn't have a dog, she sure does SOUND like one!
 Clara and Maestra

The Big Preschool Program

 Clara is in two preschools this year - one is the same one that Josh was in two years ago.  They had their Christmas program last week and instead of children we watched reindeer.
 Clara alternates between really talkative and outgoing and pretend shyness.
 Even with a bright red nose, I could kiss these cheeks all day long (and I generally do).
 She sang sporadically, although she knows all of the songs because she sings them at the top of her lungs when she is playing in her room.
Nothing like "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" on the kazoo.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 11, 2010: Papa GG and Temple Square

Last Saturday we drove up to West Haven for Papa GG's 90th Birthday. It was low-key with just family, because the bigger party was over Labor Day weekend with friends throughout the years. 
After the party, we headed down to Temple Square with Uncle Curt, Uncle Rob, and Rob's girlfriend, Jessica (who we all love).  We parked at The Gateway, got some dinner, and then took TRAX over to Temple Square. 
 Strange children
 Handcart Pioneers
 The Lights at Temple Square
 Starting to get sleepy
 Starting to get sleepier
 The Nativity
 The four of us (and a girl in a teal plaid coat)
 Love this shot!
Love this kid!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Josh had a Thanksgiving Feast provided by a generous donor and so I took the opportunity to go and help out for the party.  My big contribution was to heat up the tater tots.  Then I took cute pictures of my kid.
The actual day of Thanksgiving we spent partially at my cousin's house and partially with Dave's side of the family. 
 Ama and Erin cutting potatoes
 The kids watching movies
 Rachel wassailing
 Erin and Eric
 Dave and me
 Rachel making the rolls
 Gordy throwing Charlotte high in the air (she loved it)
 Sitting down to dinner
 The cousins
 Look at those eyes - what a doll!
 Dave cutting the turkey

We headed up North to spend time with Dave's aunt, uncle, and grandparents. 
 Curt, Rob and Jessica post turkey snooze
 Cleaning up - Ama Ancy, Aunt Pennie, Uncle Ken and Ama GG
 Rob's awesome socks
Dave and Papa GG