Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Week of Firsts

This week has been a week of firsts for us. Well, for three of us. Dave's just been doing the same old thing. Maybe we'll come up with a first for him next week. It's been quite eventful getting used to this new schedule. While I love the fact that I will have about 9 hours weekly for myself (ha), I can't relax enough yet because mentally I feel like I am going to miss out on picking up a kid somewhere. It will get better. Soon I will be posting about eating peeled grapes and bonbons and reading summer beach novels.
Josh - First Day of School at Providence Hall

First walk across the crosswalk as a Kindergartner - check out the monster backpack!
First kid to arrive in the classroom
First desk
Clara - First "ketarda" (leotard) for her first dance lesson
First Dance Moves as an official "Dancing Princesses Ballernina"
First warmup
First shopping trip where I saved 70% since starting couponing. (Yes, I realize those are a lot of taco shells, however, we eat a lot of tacos and I got them for $.50 a box)
Clara - first day of preschool
First Day of School outfit
First picture of my babies where Josh isn't choking Clara and Clara isn't yelling and both are looking at the camera.


Lisa said...

Wow! She has gotten so much bigger just since we were out there!

ntotte said...

They certainly aren't babies any more are they? Really beautiful kids.

Trish and Matt said...

Coupons are a wee bit addicting, no? I think my best deal was once saving 87% on a big trip at Kroger. I've gotten to be a bit of a coupon snob, telling Matt I'm only going to pick up certain things when they're free. He has to bring me back down to earth and remind me that most of the time you have to PAY for the things you buy. Glad you've joined the game!

Melissa said...

HA! Cute post. Love the pictures - especially the last, non-choking one. SO CUTE!