Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School Days and Josh Turns 9

Now that we are homeschooling, we spend our days a bit differently.  On Tuesdays, the kids go to a program for a few hours where they do art, music, kung fu, history, and science.  They are with about 15 other kids of varying ages, and it makes me happy to not feel pressure to do a lot of art projects. 
 On Josh's birthday, however, we didn't do school.  We brought him breakfast in bed, because that was his request.
 No, I have no idea why he has scotch tape on the wall.
 Clara decided to join in.  She evidently is now wearing his pajamas. 
 Later in the day, we rearranged the furniture and had a birthday party.  The kids sort of watched Star Wars, ate pizza, and had cake and ice cream. 
 Josh, Spencer, and Hailee

 Greg, Josh and Graham
 Josh and Collin
 Kate and Josh

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