Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011

 The Five Musketeers - ready to hit the streets for candy
 Batman and...Witch...again.
 A Supergirl flanked by Marios
 Clara sliding down the stairs
 Ben brought over a big movie screen to set up in the yard to show movies to the trick-or-treaters.  It was so fun!  We watched Charlie Brown and The Nightmare Before Christmas.  Definitely a tradition we want to keep as long as the weather is decent on Halloween night.
 Ben with the masterpiece

 Where do we go first?!

We had a great Halloween with lots of kids raiding our candy bowl.  The kids only went around the block before they saw the movie screen and decided to hang out instead of trick or treat.  This made for far less candy (yay!) this year.  I love our neighborhood all year round, but it is especially fun to know most of the kids who knock on your door.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your neighborhood - so fun!