Friday, September 17, 2010

September 10, 2010: Josh had a Birthday

We decided to have Josh's birthday party on a Friday night - pizza and a movie. He was allowed to invite a few neighborhood and ward friends. We started off with homemade pizza, which Dave made and the kids devoured. Then we opened presents, and we followed up with Natalie's cookies and ice cream before watching Ice Age. It was a looooong night (for me) but fun for Josh and that is what matters.

Josh and C - Battleship (we played the next day - so fun!)
Josh with the G-Boys - Big fire truck that makes lots of noise!
Josh with the "Gabers" and "Katers" - Zhu Zhu Pet
Josh and J-Man - Another Zhu Zhu Pet (sensing the theme?)
Josh and Clara - Pajamas and jeans (zzzzzzz)
Josh and J - Superhero Squad t-shirt!
Josh and his girlfriend, Ms. Mert - $7
The Party Animals
Natalie's cookies! The theme was "Under the Sea" and these were so good and so cute. She also did Josh's invites and I would highly recommend using her for your kids' parties!

1 comment:

The LaLa said...

What an awesome party, and theme! Happy Birthday, Joshie man!