Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break 2010: Family - Day Three

Sleeping in is a wonderful thing - so we did just that. My kids are not sleeper-inners, but, we didn't give them much of a choice, and after two days at Disneyland they were ready to rest. We finally got up and got ready and went to the Huntington Library to meet my Aunt Leslie for lunch. I hadn't seen her since Josh was about 5 months old. She is my uncle's former wife, but, was a wonderful aunt to me growing up and I was excited to see her.

The kids ran around the gardens for a while and then we went home and took very long naps. I think Josh even slept the longest. Then we had dinner with my Aunt Polly, Uncle John, Uncle Scott, and Aunt Heidi. Polly's friend, Mary, came over to see us as well. I have known her since I was a baby. We spent the evening visiting and then went to bed early to prepare for another day at Disneyland.

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